Sunday, July 7, 2013

To Whom My Soul Is DEPPendent

So I originally wrote this poem (along with four others) for English but I think it's entertaining so I might as well post it on here.  I think it's better to read the poem first and then hear my commentary but if you wish to do the other way around feel free to read the paragraph at the bottom before starting.

If only I could touch thy palm -
Thy soul is a timeless shapeshifter.
Words spoken utter holy paslm,
You wonderful spirit lifter!

You may purify the underworld,
Your soul an endless, holy stream.
One glance - the People's worries unfurled!
You are a glorious daydream.

Just being in your route,
My love soars dangerously high!
I belay all previous doubts,
And believe my ship won't sail awry.

Chaste captain of countless crews!
I beg you! Guide my every step!
For when I must bid the screen adieu,
I whisper, "I love you, dear Johnny Depp."

So this is a fan letter to Johnny Depp disguised as an ode to god to show society's obsession with fame and how celebrities are our new role models.  Every line can apply to both God and Johnny Depp.  I'll point out a few references so you get the gist: timeless shapeshifter = classic actor, people is capitalized as in People Magazine, the underworld is a reference to Alice and Wonderland, My love soars dangerously high refers to the scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where Charlie drinks a dangerous amount of bubbly soda that makes him float, and there's also just a ton of pirate imagery.  Sorry for the shitty grammar but it gets the job done.  Oh and the colors are solely for aesthetic appeal if you were wondering.